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Hans Schur, Schur

Submitted by adci on

Schur joined IPG in 1999. It has been a remarkable 25 years with friends and business associates from around the world who gathered each year to learn from another and renew friendship. I have been privileged to participate at the AGM every year since 1999 and also serve as Chairman and member of the Management Committee. We have established a strong technical agenda and managed to bring new committed members into the organization. I believe IPG is as strong as it has ever been, and I have thoroughly enjoyed our open discussions while I have been fortunate enough to visit and learn about many interesting parts of the world during the meetings and extended to the optional programs.

The one word that describes IPG is SHARING. As a member you can raise any question, present any problem and the other members will try to help you out. This is due to the friendship of long standing between the members.

Active member