Where all the Annual General Meetings have taken place in the world since 1984….
Every year the IPG organises two meetings for our active members and associate members…
Once a year a technical meeting takes place near one of our member’s production sites somewhere in the world.
It could be as far north as Finland or as far south as Argentina.
Such a gathering of technical experts amongst a multitude of cultures increases the chances of success in a competitive global business community.
Approximately six months later the IPG will organise a second meeting – the Annual Technical meeting.
This meeting generally lasts a similar number of days, and an agenda is set by the IPG Technical Committee and Management Committee.
Did you know…
The only two years when meetings were not held in person were in 2020 and 2021 in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Look at the animation and you will see where all the Annual General Meetings have taken place in the world since 1984….