The Circular Economy for Kids!
One of the great things about TICCIT is that it teaches children about the circular economy but without them even knowing it! TICCIT (trees into cartons, cartons into trees) is our schools’ education programme that is all about trees, cartons and the environment. It’s a lot of fun and helps educate the next generation of shoppers about the benefits of cartons.
But it is not a self-learning programme, it needs everyone connected with the carton industry to get involved. All the information is on our website. But where do you start? Firstly, we recommend that companies appoint a TICCIT ambassador, someone who can co-ordinate the activity within their business. Their job is to encourage employees to contact their local schools and arrange to go into the school and give a talk about TICCIT. It’s probably best if they arrange to go to the school with a colleague so that they can share the teaching and provide moral support! All the support materials, including a presentation and speaker notes, are available on the Pro Carton website (in French, German, Italian, Spanish and English). Once it’s been agreed with the school to do the talk the Ambassador will need to order the appropriate number of saplings so that every child gets one to take home (in a carton, of course). A full explanation of how to go about it is included in the TICCIT Programme Guide. The feedback from the schools and pupils has been fantastic. Here’s what a teacher at a school in the UK had to say when Graphic Packaging ran a TICCIT session recently:
“Thank you so much for coming to visit our school. The children really loved having the chance to learn all about trees and how they grow and develop. They enjoyed learning about how paper comes from trees and were amazed at how trees can produce cardboard boxes.
They were so proud of their trees and it was lovely to see them so excited about showing their trees to their families. I have never seen them so engaged in something! A great learning experience for all involved.”
Many of the National Associations (of carton makers) are on board with the programme and will provide guidance and more information if required. Or feel free to contact us at ticcit@procarton.com.
So, why should companies get involved?
- It teaches children about the importance of recycling and being environmentally-friendly
- It promotes the benefits of cartons and cartonboard
- It increases the organisation’s interaction with the local community
- It strengthens the company’s standing and reputation in the local community
- It offers PR opportunities (the local media love this sort of thing – make sure to take some photos)
- Employees find it very rewarding (thousands of people have done talks so far – the feedback is universally positive)
- The children love it, and they remember it, as it different from their normal routine and they get to plant a real baby tree!
- It’s low cost!
If you care about the future of the industry and our planet please take up the challenge. Everyone connected with the carton industry can get involved.
Ps Do let us know when you hold a talk, and how you get on, and don’t forget to send us some photos!
For further information on TICCIT, please click on SUSTAINABILITY/TICCIT at www.procarton.com